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[지능형건축물 뉴스]02월 2째주

IBS Korea News Brief                   2월 둘째주


CCTV, 영상보안시장의 경계를 넘어서다(보안뉴스)

요즘 높은 관심을 받고 있는 스마트시티는 CCTV에게 더 많은 역할을 요구한다. 여러 스마트시티 서비스에 특히 수요가 높은 것은 재난과 안전분야지만 환경과 에너지, 헬스케어 등 다양한 분야와도 접목할 수 있다. 조금만 생각을 달리하면 적용할 수 있는 분야는 무한대라고 느낄만큼 다양하다. CCTV는 스마트홈과 스마트팩토리에도 쓰인다. 이미 석유화학시설, 해양플랜트, 공항·항만, 선박, 카지노 등 다양한 분야에서도 CCTV는 필수다.



'스마트시티' 기술보다 사람이 중심(매일경제)

지난 1월 초 세계 최대 가전제품박람회인 `CES 2018``스마트시티의 미래`를 주제로 개최됐다. 스마트홈을 넘어 도시 전체가 5G와 사물인터넷 등 네트워크로 연결되고, 여기에 인공지능이 더해지면서 초연결성과 초지능성을 갖추게 된다는 것이다. `CES 2018`은 스마트시티가 미래 산업으로 각광받고 있으며 가까이 온 미래라는 것을 다시금 확인시켜 주었다.



The return on investment of intelligent buildings(Colorado Real Estate Journal)

Imagine a building owner who had someone on staff who knew everything going on in your buildings down to the level of energy usage, foot traffic, maintenance requests, etc. and had the authority to make real-time, cost-saving decisions and recommendations of future opportunities to owners and managers instantly. Most building owners would hire that person in a second. As you may have guessed, this all-knowing staff member isn’t human, but is intelligent artificial intelligence has come to commercial real estate and is poised to create major changes in the way we do business.



Building Automation Systems Multiply with the Global Urge for Energy Efficiency(IT Times)

Frost & Sullivan's latest analysis, World Building Automation Systems (BAS) Markets, Forecast to 2022, sheds light on the rapid transformations taking place in the global BAS market. Factors propelling change include the growing use of Internet of Things (IoT), rising popularity of energy-efficient LED lights, increasing reliance on wireless technologies, and concern for overall building energy consumption. The convergence and integration of security and surveillance with BAS is also highlighted as the significance of building security continues to rise.



Smart Buildings in the Age of the IoT(Linkedin)

Disruption within the building technologies market is long overdue. Legacy business ecosystems are organised around vertical silo’s and thrive on vendor lock-in with customers. This situation has been established over the last 30 years and now is under siege by small start-ups. In the age of IoT, a complete rethinking of portfolio and marketing strategy is required in order to capture the next wave of smart building innovation. With Data and Data Analytics at the core, new business models and ecosystems are about to emerge creating a new market for data and lifecycle services and breaking with the legacy approach that has become the trademark of this industry. This article describes a framework for a portfolio strategy as well as evidence for new emerging business ecosystems.
